outplacement, career-transition & job search for individuals

If you've just lost your job, e.g. via redundancy as is very common at the moment, it can be very useful to get some help from an external source in order to find another one.

This type of specialist support is often referred to as outplacement or career-transition guidance and is very much a forte of DWHR. Please see a testimonial from a recent project.

Whilst outplacement and career-transition are terms which are often used inter-changeably, here at DWHR we think of them as distinct, but related areas.


We think of our outplacement activities and programmes as more to do with the mechanics of finding another job. These are coaching and practical sessions designed to give you the tools to succeed in your job search and include:

  • Identifying your key skills and achievements
  • Compiling a high-quality CV
  • Pro-active job search looking for the next role
  • Working on interview technique.

For more information on our outplacement services for individuals, please click here.

Career Transition

Career-transition takes a broader perspective, and seeks to address issues such as:

  • What are the person’s stand-out skills, strengths, qualities, attributes, motivations and values?
  • To what extent are they transferrable to other jobs, sectors or professions?
  • What other jobs and/or professions might the person be suited to?
  • What might they enjoy and be good at?
  • What type of organisation and/or role are they really looking for?
  • What do they really want from their working life and perhaps, their life more generally?
  • What are their goals and ambitions?

Consequently, our career-transition programmes are suitable for people who are not currently in-work. They are also suitable for people who are in-work, but who may be feeling dissatisfied for whatever reason. They seek to answer four major questions:

  1. Who am I?
  2. Where am I now?
  3. Where do I want to go?
  4. How am I going to get there?

For more information on our career-transition services and programmes, please click here.

In practice, people often choose a range of activities from each of these areas - the choice is yours.

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